Well, as most of us know, we can not trust the main stream mega media that spills out lies and distractions on a daily basis. They pick our presidential candidates and feed them to us as our only choices. They favor their favorite in such a way the the media reports the lies as truths and the known truths as lies.
For instance, the media pushes Hillery Clinton as if she were an actual potential leader and overlook the fact that she is a criminal lair. She laughs if off every time someone asks her of her criminal behavior and doings. And she laughs and laughs out of control and what does the anchor or the news person do? They move on and not press on the issue for she only laughs. MOVING ON
The thought that Jeb could be another option. Both of the shills should be in jail. Today is the day they should be held accountable for lying and stealing and deception and even murder. Please, no more Bushes or Clinton s in the Big White House. I vote for no more of the same ole same ole to get to a better world. These millionaires and furthered their agenda at the cost of the American taxpayer. God bless us all.
I have found may alternative media sources out there reporting on the real issues in my opinion. Such as:
Prisonplanet.tv or infowars.com with Alex Jones and his crew.
Dahboo777 or Dahboo77 on youtube
Realist News on youtube under the name jsnip4 just to name a few.
Lisa Haven does a good job at this along with her love for the lord on YouTube.
Jim Marrs is a good one. He is a great.
Most of these people do much research and seem to care about the coming doom of our nation and our food supply and our faith and our freedom. Just have a look at some of these people and they might open your eyes a little bit more.
Vote with your dollar. The dollar is a huge power to the people as long as it holds up. If you don't like Walmart's practices then stop giving them your money. They give your money to planned parent hood for some reason to kill babies. Target blurred the lines between being a boy or a girl and that is just goofy, so there goes another store I will not go to for that silliness.
Voting with our Dollar is strong. If you don't want the chip in your credit card then pull your money from the bank and quit using the stupid card. I took the chip out of my card and it did not work at all so, cash it is from here on out.
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