The World Has Tilted On Its Ear!
What is going on round herea????
I really do hate to bring this up with all the places there are to look these days from your cell phone, tablet, television, neighbors to NFL and so on but things really have seem to hit the fan. We have the people that exposed plan parent hood for the criminals that they are, going up on charges. Dear Lord! Expose a bunch of murderers and potentially you could go to jail. WOW! Hip hip hooray to the freedom of press and speech.
Out right criminal Killary Clinkton running for President of the USA and being actually considered for the job while simultaneously being proved a murderer, a thief of the America's land and minerals and peoples monies and a never ending onslaught of lies. WOW, this is your cream of the crop America. Is this your choice? Of course not. We didn't choose her or that Crux or Salamander Socialist either. They chose themselves and we fell in line like good little workers. No we didn't, but we just can't seem to unite.
If we could unite we would all stop buying corporate crap helping the rich get richer, we would never set foot in another WalFart..............EVER (they give to Plotted Parent Hood and one of the top donators to help kill babies). Your money is being passed on to kill the babies in the name of your breast and some stupid pink ribbon. YUCK!
We would also unite and demand that these elected officials hold true or sign contracts to the things they say when on the campaign trail. They say a bunch of stuff and never ever go near that subject again so much as to LIE TO OUR FACES.
No one seems to be accountable and the government is WAY WAY to big and over reaching at this point. Downsize X 10 X 100. ALSO might I add to never ever RE-ELECT anyone. Salary size according to or around minimum wages, therefore you know they would be doing it for the good of the people and paid per hour (not per golf game FOR ALL). Shoot, we pay them a lot of money on average and they just want more. Lobbies and bribes and theft!
Nasa has been outright dishonest with the good Americans that pay their way. We pay for secrets to be kept. THAT MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL! Fired!
Governors: FIRED
Crooked Mayors: FIRED
Crooked Sheriffs: Your FIRED
Crooked Judges on the take: YOU ARE FIRED
Senate: FIRED!
NOBAMA LIES: You are FIRED! Get out!
I can't wait to pay more tax money for global warming that my disgusting ass has created when Jupiter and Saturn have also been going thru climate change. You can't make this stuff up and YOU are the fault of climate chaos on Saturn. Granted, we could have taken better care of the earth and creatures by a long shot but I am pretty sure we are not causing Jupiter and Saturn's climate change right along with us. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH US PEOPLE! I is as it always was.
It seems everyone is ripe and ready for judgement day and has just given up on the whole globe.
Band together in the righteous!
Stand together in the strong!
Come together for the fixing!
This is say to you in Song!
I love you all and we are all in this together!
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